![BauDas Logo](https://services.joethei.xyz/images/bauDas.png) #Kundenkarten Analyse [![Build Status](https://teamcity.joethei.xyz/app/rest/builds/buildType:(id:Studium_Programmierung_Softwareprojektmanagement_SpmProd)/statusIcon)](https://tcstatus.joethei.space/dashboard/spm) ## minimal Requirements - Java 8 - Maven 3 - Tomcat 9 ## Development Setup - clone this repository - import it into your preferred editor - start the server with maven goal ````tomcat7:run```` - open the site at ````localhost:8080/bauDas```` - change stuff - restart the server if needed ## Deploy - clone this repository - run maven goal ````package```` - war can be found in target folder - upload war to tomcat server - add ´´´´password.txt´´´´ to tomcat root © 2019 Ihni GmbH