Merge dev into master See merge request link/projekte/ws19/vkvm-new/text-renderer!2
vKVM TextRenderer
Use the installation script provided in the Scripts repository to install the full package.
Installing a single component is currently not supported.
TextRender build exports an interface target TextRender::TextRender.
This means that if TextRender has been installed on the Project Path, it should be enough to do.
translate a string from terminal to the readable form of shared memory .
mkdir build
cd build
cmake ..
TextRender has two class, Bitmap class and Font class.
res/font.bmp (bitmap data, used by Bitmap::load() function)
res/font.toml (configuration file, it configure how to read the font.bmp)
src/Bitmap class, it used to read the font.bmp file.
src/Font class, it read the font.bmp data by Bitmap class, translate a string to a bitmap.
test folder used to test.
main folder is only used to test now.