package eu.univento.core.api.effects; import eu.univento.core.api.utils.reflection.ReflectionUtils; import eu.univento.core.api.utils.reflection.ReflectionUtils.PackageType; import org.bukkit.Bukkit; import org.bukkit.Color; import org.bukkit.Location; import org.bukkit.Material; import org.bukkit.entity.Player; import org.bukkit.util.Vector; import java.lang.reflect.Constructor; import java.lang.reflect.Field; import java.lang.reflect.Method; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Map.Entry; /** * ParticleEffect Library *

* This library was created by @DarkBlade12 and allows you to display all Minecraft particle effects on a Bukkit server *

* You are welcome to use it, modify it and redistribute it under the following conditions: *


* Special thanks: *


* It would be nice if you provide credit to me if you use this class in a published project * * @author DarkBlade12 * @version 1.7 */ public enum ParticleEffect { /** * A particle effect which is displayed by exploding tnt and creepers: *

*/ EXPLOSION_NORMAL("explode", 0, -1, ParticleProperty.DIRECTIONAL), /** * A particle effect which is displayed by exploding ghast fireballs and wither skulls: * */ EXPLOSION_LARGE("largeexplode", 1, -1), /** * A particle effect which is displayed by exploding tnt and creepers: * */ EXPLOSION_HUGE("hugeexplosion", 2, -1), /** * A particle effect which is displayed by launching fireworks: * */ FIREWORKS_SPARK("fireworksSpark", 3, -1, ParticleProperty.DIRECTIONAL), /** * A particle effect which is displayed by swimming entities and arrows in water: * */ WATER_BUBBLE("bubble", 4, -1, ParticleProperty.DIRECTIONAL, ParticleProperty.REQUIRES_WATER), /** * A particle effect which is displayed by swimming entities and shaking wolves: * */ WATER_SPLASH("splash", 5, -1, ParticleProperty.DIRECTIONAL), /** * A particle effect which is displayed on water when fishing: * */ WATER_WAKE("wake", 6, 7, ParticleProperty.DIRECTIONAL), /** * A particle effect which is displayed by water: * */ SUSPENDED("suspended", 7, -1, ParticleProperty.REQUIRES_WATER), /** * A particle effect which is displayed by air when close to bedrock and the in the void: * */ SUSPENDED_DEPTH("depthSuspend", 8, -1, ParticleProperty.DIRECTIONAL), /** * A particle effect which is displayed when landing a critical hit and by arrows: * */ CRIT("crit", 9, -1, ParticleProperty.DIRECTIONAL), /** * A particle effect which is displayed when landing a hit with an enchanted weapon: * */ CRIT_MAGIC("magicCrit", 10, -1, ParticleProperty.DIRECTIONAL), /** * A particle effect which is displayed by primed tnt, torches, droppers, dispensers, end portals, brewing stands and monster spawners: * */ SMOKE_NORMAL("smoke", 11, -1, ParticleProperty.DIRECTIONAL), /** * A particle effect which is displayed by fire, minecarts with furnace and blazes: * */ SMOKE_LARGE("largesmoke", 12, -1, ParticleProperty.DIRECTIONAL), /** * A particle effect which is displayed when splash potions or bottles o' enchanting hit something: * */ SPELL("spell", 13, -1), /** * A particle effect which is displayed when instant splash potions hit something: * */ SPELL_INSTANT("instantSpell", 14, -1), /** * A particle effect which is displayed by entities with active potion effects: * */ SPELL_MOB("mobSpell", 15, -1, ParticleProperty.COLORABLE), /** * A particle effect which is displayed by entities with active potion effects applied through a beacon: * */ SPELL_MOB_AMBIENT("mobSpellAmbient", 16, -1, ParticleProperty.COLORABLE), /** * A particle effect which is displayed by witches: * */ SPELL_WITCH("witchMagic", 17, -1), /** * A particle effect which is displayed by blocks beneath a water source: * */ DRIP_WATER("dripWater", 18, -1), /** * A particle effect which is displayed by blocks beneath a lava source: * */ DRIP_LAVA("dripLava", 19, -1), /** * A particle effect which is displayed when attacking a villager in a village: * */ VILLAGER_ANGRY("angryVillager", 20, -1), /** * A particle effect which is displayed when using bone meal and trading with a villager in a village: * */ VILLAGER_HAPPY("happyVillager", 21, -1, ParticleProperty.DIRECTIONAL), /** * A particle effect which is displayed by mycelium: * */ TOWN_AURA("townaura", 22, -1, ParticleProperty.DIRECTIONAL), /** * A particle effect which is displayed by note blocks: * */ NOTE("note", 23, -1, ParticleProperty.COLORABLE), /** * A particle effect which is displayed by nether portals, endermen, ender pearls, eyes of ender, ender chests and dragon eggs: * */ PORTAL("portal", 24, -1, ParticleProperty.DIRECTIONAL), /** * A particle effect which is displayed by enchantment tables which are nearby bookshelves: * */ ENCHANTMENT_TABLE("enchantmenttable", 25, -1, ParticleProperty.DIRECTIONAL), /** * A particle effect which is displayed by torches, active furnaces, magma cubes and monster spawners: * */ FLAME("flame", 26, -1, ParticleProperty.DIRECTIONAL), /** * A particle effect which is displayed by lava: * */ LAVA("lava", 27, -1), /** * A particle effect which is currently unused: * */ FOOTSTEP("footstep", 28, -1), /** * A particle effect which is displayed when a mob dies: * */ CLOUD("cloud", 29, -1, ParticleProperty.DIRECTIONAL), /** * A particle effect which is displayed by redstone ore, powered redstone, redstone torches and redstone repeaters: * */ REDSTONE("reddust", 30, -1, ParticleProperty.COLORABLE), /** * A particle effect which is displayed when snowballs hit a block: * */ SNOWBALL("snowballpoof", 31, -1), /** * A particle effect which is currently unused: * */ SNOW_SHOVEL("snowshovel", 32, -1, ParticleProperty.DIRECTIONAL), /** * A particle effect which is displayed by slimes: * */ SLIME("slime", 33, -1), /** * A particle effect which is displayed when breeding and taming animals: * */ HEART("heart", 34, -1), /** * A particle effect which is displayed by barriers: * */ BARRIER("barrier", 35, 8), /** * A particle effect which is displayed when breaking a tool or eggs hit a block: * */ ITEM_CRACK("iconcrack", 36, -1, ParticleProperty.DIRECTIONAL, ParticleProperty.REQUIRES_DATA), /** * A particle effect which is displayed when breaking blocks or sprinting: * */ BLOCK_CRACK("blockcrack", 37, -1, ParticleProperty.REQUIRES_DATA), /** * A particle effect which is displayed when falling: * */ BLOCK_DUST("blockdust", 38, 7, ParticleProperty.DIRECTIONAL, ParticleProperty.REQUIRES_DATA), /** * A particle effect which is displayed when rain hits the ground: * */ WATER_DROP("droplet", 39, 8), /** * A particle effect which is currently unused: * */ ITEM_TAKE("take", 40, 8), /** * A particle effect which is displayed by elder guardians: * */ MOB_APPEARANCE("mobappearance", 41, 8); private static final Map NAME_MAP = new HashMap(); private static final Map ID_MAP = new HashMap(); private final String name; private final int id; private final int requiredVersion; private final List properties; // Initialize map for quick name and id lookup static { for (ParticleEffect effect : values()) { NAME_MAP.put(, effect); ID_MAP.put(, effect); } } /** * Construct a new particle effect * * @param name Name of this particle effect * @param id Id of this particle effect * @param requiredVersion Version which is required (1.x) * @param properties Properties of this particle effect */ private ParticleEffect(String name, int id, int requiredVersion, ParticleProperty... properties) { = name; = id; this.requiredVersion = requiredVersion; = Arrays.asList(properties); } /** * Returns the name of this particle effect * * @return The name */ public String getName() { return name; } /** * Returns the id of this particle effect * * @return The id */ public int getId() { return id; } /** * Returns the required version for this particle effect (1.x) * * @return The required version */ public int getRequiredVersion() { return requiredVersion; } /** * Determine if this particle effect has a specific property * * @return Whether it has the property or not */ public boolean hasProperty(ParticleProperty property) { return properties.contains(property); } /** * Determine if this particle effect is supported by your current server version * * @return Whether the particle effect is supported or not */ public boolean isSupported() { if (requiredVersion == -1) { return true; } return ParticlePacket.getVersion() >= requiredVersion; } /** * Returns the particle effect with the given name * * @param name Name of the particle effect * @return The particle effect */ public static ParticleEffect fromName(String name) { for (Entry entry : NAME_MAP.entrySet()) { if (!entry.getKey().equalsIgnoreCase(name)) { continue; } return entry.getValue(); } return null; } /** * Returns the particle effect with the given id * * @param id Id of the particle effect * @return The particle effect */ public static ParticleEffect fromId(int id) { for (Entry entry : ID_MAP.entrySet()) { if (entry.getKey() != id) { continue; } return entry.getValue(); } return null; } /** * Determine if water is at a certain location * * @param location Location to check * @return Whether water is at this location or not */ private static boolean isWater(Location location) { Material material = location.getBlock().getType(); return material == Material.WATER || material == Material.STATIONARY_WATER; } /** * Determine if the distance between @param location and one of the players exceeds 256 * * @param location Location to check * @return Whether the distance exceeds 256 or not */ private static boolean isLongDistance(Location location, List players) { String world = location.getWorld().getName(); for (Player player : players) { Location playerLocation = player.getLocation(); if (!world.equals(playerLocation.getWorld().getName()) || playerLocation.distanceSquared(location) < 65536) { continue; } return true; } return false; } /** * Determine if the data type for a particle effect is correct * * @param effect Particle effect * @param data Particle data * @return Whether the data type is correct or not */ private static boolean isDataCorrect(ParticleEffect effect, ParticleData data) { return ((effect == BLOCK_CRACK || effect == BLOCK_DUST) && data instanceof BlockData) || (effect == ITEM_CRACK && data instanceof ItemData); } /** * Determine if the color type for a particle effect is correct * * @param effect Particle effect * @param color Particle color * @return Whether the color type is correct or not */ private static boolean isColorCorrect(ParticleEffect effect, ParticleColor color) { return ((effect == SPELL_MOB || effect == SPELL_MOB_AMBIENT || effect == REDSTONE) && color instanceof OrdinaryColor) || (effect == NOTE && color instanceof NoteColor); } /** * Displays a particle effect which is only visible for all players within a certain range in the world of @param center * * @param offsetX Maximum distance particles can fly away from the center on the x-axis * @param offsetY Maximum distance particles can fly away from the center on the y-axis * @param offsetZ Maximum distance particles can fly away from the center on the z-axis * @param speed Display speed of the particles * @param amount Amount of particles * @param center Center location of the effect * @param range Range of the visibility * @throws ParticleVersionException If the particle effect is not supported by the server version * @throws ParticleDataException If the particle effect requires additional data * @throws IllegalArgumentException If the particle effect requires water and none is at the center location * @see ParticlePacket * @see ParticlePacket#sendTo(Location, double) */ public void display(float offsetX, float offsetY, float offsetZ, float speed, int amount, Location center, double range) throws ParticleVersionException, ParticleDataException, IllegalArgumentException { if (!isSupported()) { throw new ParticleVersionException("This particle effect is not supported by your server version"); } if (hasProperty(ParticleProperty.REQUIRES_DATA)) { throw new ParticleDataException("This particle effect requires additional data"); } if (hasProperty(ParticleProperty.REQUIRES_WATER) && !isWater(center)) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("There is no water at the center location"); } new ParticlePacket(this, offsetX, offsetY, offsetZ, speed, amount, range > 256, null).sendTo(center, range); } /** * Displays a particle effect which is only visible for the specified players * * @param offsetX Maximum distance particles can fly away from the center on the x-axis * @param offsetY Maximum distance particles can fly away from the center on the y-axis * @param offsetZ Maximum distance particles can fly away from the center on the z-axis * @param speed Display speed of the particles * @param amount Amount of particles * @param center Center location of the effect * @param players Receivers of the effect * @throws ParticleVersionException If the particle effect is not supported by the server version * @throws ParticleDataException If the particle effect requires additional data * @throws IllegalArgumentException If the particle effect requires water and none is at the center location * @see ParticlePacket * @see ParticlePacket#sendTo(Location, List) */ public void display(float offsetX, float offsetY, float offsetZ, float speed, int amount, Location center, List players) throws ParticleVersionException, ParticleDataException, IllegalArgumentException { if (!isSupported()) { throw new ParticleVersionException("This particle effect is not supported by your server version"); } if (hasProperty(ParticleProperty.REQUIRES_DATA)) { throw new ParticleDataException("This particle effect requires additional data"); } if (hasProperty(ParticleProperty.REQUIRES_WATER) && !isWater(center)) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("There is no water at the center location"); } new ParticlePacket(this, offsetX, offsetY, offsetZ, speed, amount, isLongDistance(center, players), null).sendTo(center, players); } /** * Displays a particle effect which is only visible for the specified players * * @param offsetX Maximum distance particles can fly away from the center on the x-axis * @param offsetY Maximum distance particles can fly away from the center on the y-axis * @param offsetZ Maximum distance particles can fly away from the center on the z-axis * @param speed Display speed of the particles * @param amount Amount of particles * @param center Center location of the effect * @param players Receivers of the effect * @throws ParticleVersionException If the particle effect is not supported by the server version * @throws ParticleDataException If the particle effect requires additional data * @throws IllegalArgumentException If the particle effect requires water and none is at the center location * @see #display(float, float, float, float, int, Location, List) */ public void display(float offsetX, float offsetY, float offsetZ, float speed, int amount, Location center, Player... players) throws ParticleVersionException, ParticleDataException, IllegalArgumentException { display(offsetX, offsetY, offsetZ, speed, amount, center, Arrays.asList(players)); } /** * Displays a single particle which flies into a determined direction and is only visible for all players within a certain range in the world of @param center * * @param direction Direction of the particle * @param speed Display speed of the particle * @param center Center location of the effect * @param range Range of the visibility * @throws ParticleVersionException If the particle effect is not supported by the server version * @throws ParticleDataException If the particle effect requires additional data * @throws IllegalArgumentException If the particle effect is not directional or if it requires water and none is at the center location * @see ParticlePacket#ParticlePacket(ParticleEffect, Vector, float, boolean, ParticleData) * @see ParticlePacket#sendTo(Location, double) */ public void display(Vector direction, float speed, Location center, double range) throws ParticleVersionException, ParticleDataException, IllegalArgumentException { if (!isSupported()) { throw new ParticleVersionException("This particle effect is not supported by your server version"); } if (hasProperty(ParticleProperty.REQUIRES_DATA)) { throw new ParticleDataException("This particle effect requires additional data"); } if (!hasProperty(ParticleProperty.DIRECTIONAL)) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("This particle effect is not directional"); } if (hasProperty(ParticleProperty.REQUIRES_WATER) && !isWater(center)) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("There is no water at the center location"); } new ParticlePacket(this, direction, speed, range > 256, null).sendTo(center, range); } /** * Displays a single particle which flies into a determined direction and is only visible for the specified players * * @param direction Direction of the particle * @param speed Display speed of the particle * @param center Center location of the effect * @param players Receivers of the effect * @throws ParticleVersionException If the particle effect is not supported by the server version * @throws ParticleDataException If the particle effect requires additional data * @throws IllegalArgumentException If the particle effect is not directional or if it requires water and none is at the center location * @see ParticlePacket#ParticlePacket(ParticleEffect, Vector, float, boolean, ParticleData) * @see ParticlePacket#sendTo(Location, List) */ public void display(Vector direction, float speed, Location center, List players) throws ParticleVersionException, ParticleDataException, IllegalArgumentException { if (!isSupported()) { throw new ParticleVersionException("This particle effect is not supported by your server version"); } if (hasProperty(ParticleProperty.REQUIRES_DATA)) { throw new ParticleDataException("This particle effect requires additional data"); } if (!hasProperty(ParticleProperty.DIRECTIONAL)) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("This particle effect is not directional"); } if (hasProperty(ParticleProperty.REQUIRES_WATER) && !isWater(center)) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("There is no water at the center location"); } new ParticlePacket(this, direction, speed, isLongDistance(center, players), null).sendTo(center, players); } /** * Displays a single particle which flies into a determined direction and is only visible for the specified players * * @param direction Direction of the particle * @param speed Display speed of the particle * @param center Center location of the effect * @param players Receivers of the effect * @throws ParticleVersionException If the particle effect is not supported by the server version * @throws ParticleDataException If the particle effect requires additional data * @throws IllegalArgumentException If the particle effect is not directional or if it requires water and none is at the center location * @see #display(Vector, float, Location, List) */ public void display(Vector direction, float speed, Location center, Player... players) throws ParticleVersionException, ParticleDataException, IllegalArgumentException { display(direction, speed, center, Arrays.asList(players)); } /** * Displays a single particle which is colored and only visible for all players within a certain range in the world of @param center * * @param color Color of the particle * @param center Center location of the effect * @param range Range of the visibility * @throws ParticleVersionException If the particle effect is not supported by the server version * @throws ParticleColorException If the particle effect is not colorable or the color type is incorrect * @see ParticlePacket#ParticlePacket(ParticleEffect, ParticleColor, boolean) * @see ParticlePacket#sendTo(Location, double) */ public void display(ParticleColor color, Location center, double range) throws ParticleVersionException, ParticleColorException { if (!isSupported()) { throw new ParticleVersionException("This particle effect is not supported by your server version"); } if (!hasProperty(ParticleProperty.COLORABLE)) { throw new ParticleColorException("This particle effect is not colorable"); } if (!isColorCorrect(this, color)) { throw new ParticleColorException("The particle color type is incorrect"); } new ParticlePacket(this, color, range > 256).sendTo(center, range); } /** * Displays a single particle which is colored and only visible for the specified players * * @param color Color of the particle * @param center Center location of the effect * @param players Receivers of the effect * @throws ParticleVersionException If the particle effect is not supported by the server version * @throws ParticleColorException If the particle effect is not colorable or the color type is incorrect * @see ParticlePacket#ParticlePacket(ParticleEffect, ParticleColor, boolean) * @see ParticlePacket#sendTo(Location, List) */ public void display(ParticleColor color, Location center, List players) throws ParticleVersionException, ParticleColorException { if (!isSupported()) { throw new ParticleVersionException("This particle effect is not supported by your server version"); } if (!hasProperty(ParticleProperty.COLORABLE)) { throw new ParticleColorException("This particle effect is not colorable"); } if (!isColorCorrect(this, color)) { throw new ParticleColorException("The particle color type is incorrect"); } new ParticlePacket(this, color, isLongDistance(center, players)).sendTo(center, players); } /** * Displays a single particle which is colored and only visible for the specified players * * @param color Color of the particle * @param center Center location of the effect * @param players Receivers of the effect * @throws ParticleVersionException If the particle effect is not supported by the server version * @throws ParticleColorException If the particle effect is not colorable or the color type is incorrect * @see #display(ParticleColor, Location, List) */ public void display(ParticleColor color, Location center, Player... players) throws ParticleVersionException, ParticleColorException { display(color, center, Arrays.asList(players)); } /** * Displays a particle effect which requires additional data and is only visible for all players within a certain range in the world of @param center * * @param data Data of the effect * @param offsetX Maximum distance particles can fly away from the center on the x-axis * @param offsetY Maximum distance particles can fly away from the center on the y-axis * @param offsetZ Maximum distance particles can fly away from the center on the z-axis * @param speed Display speed of the particles * @param amount Amount of particles * @param center Center location of the effect * @param range Range of the visibility * @throws ParticleVersionException If the particle effect is not supported by the server version * @throws ParticleDataException If the particle effect does not require additional data or if the data type is incorrect * @see ParticlePacket * @see ParticlePacket#sendTo(Location, double) */ public void display(ParticleData data, float offsetX, float offsetY, float offsetZ, float speed, int amount, Location center, double range) throws ParticleVersionException, ParticleDataException { if (!isSupported()) { throw new ParticleVersionException("This particle effect is not supported by your server version"); } if (!hasProperty(ParticleProperty.REQUIRES_DATA)) { throw new ParticleDataException("This particle effect does not require additional data"); } if (!isDataCorrect(this, data)) { throw new ParticleDataException("The particle data type is incorrect"); } new ParticlePacket(this, offsetX, offsetY, offsetZ, speed, amount, range > 256, data).sendTo(center, range); } /** * Displays a particle effect which requires additional data and is only visible for the specified players * * @param data Data of the effect * @param offsetX Maximum distance particles can fly away from the center on the x-axis * @param offsetY Maximum distance particles can fly away from the center on the y-axis * @param offsetZ Maximum distance particles can fly away from the center on the z-axis * @param speed Display speed of the particles * @param amount Amount of particles * @param center Center location of the effect * @param players Receivers of the effect * @throws ParticleVersionException If the particle effect is not supported by the server version * @throws ParticleDataException If the particle effect does not require additional data or if the data type is incorrect * @see ParticlePacket * @see ParticlePacket#sendTo(Location, List) */ public void display(ParticleData data, float offsetX, float offsetY, float offsetZ, float speed, int amount, Location center, List players) throws ParticleVersionException, ParticleDataException { if (!isSupported()) { throw new ParticleVersionException("This particle effect is not supported by your server version"); } if (!hasProperty(ParticleProperty.REQUIRES_DATA)) { throw new ParticleDataException("This particle effect does not require additional data"); } if (!isDataCorrect(this, data)) { throw new ParticleDataException("The particle data type is incorrect"); } new ParticlePacket(this, offsetX, offsetY, offsetZ, speed, amount, isLongDistance(center, players), data).sendTo(center, players); } /** * Displays a particle effect which requires additional data and is only visible for the specified players * * @param data Data of the effect * @param offsetX Maximum distance particles can fly away from the center on the x-axis * @param offsetY Maximum distance particles can fly away from the center on the y-axis * @param offsetZ Maximum distance particles can fly away from the center on the z-axis * @param speed Display speed of the particles * @param amount Amount of particles * @param center Center location of the effect * @param players Receivers of the effect * @throws ParticleVersionException If the particle effect is not supported by the server version * @throws ParticleDataException If the particle effect does not require additional data or if the data type is incorrect * @see #display(ParticleData, float, float, float, float, int, Location, List) */ public void display(ParticleData data, float offsetX, float offsetY, float offsetZ, float speed, int amount, Location center, Player... players) throws ParticleVersionException, ParticleDataException { display(data, offsetX, offsetY, offsetZ, speed, amount, center, Arrays.asList(players)); } /** * Displays a single particle which requires additional data that flies into a determined direction and is only visible for all players within a certain range in the world of @param center * * @param data Data of the effect * @param direction Direction of the particle * @param speed Display speed of the particles * @param center Center location of the effect * @param range Range of the visibility * @throws ParticleVersionException If the particle effect is not supported by the server version * @throws ParticleDataException If the particle effect does not require additional data or if the data type is incorrect * @see ParticlePacket * @see ParticlePacket#sendTo(Location, double) */ public void display(ParticleData data, Vector direction, float speed, Location center, double range) throws ParticleVersionException, ParticleDataException { if (!isSupported()) { throw new ParticleVersionException("This particle effect is not supported by your server version"); } if (!hasProperty(ParticleProperty.REQUIRES_DATA)) { throw new ParticleDataException("This particle effect does not require additional data"); } if (!isDataCorrect(this, data)) { throw new ParticleDataException("The particle data type is incorrect"); } new ParticlePacket(this, direction, speed, range > 256, data).sendTo(center, range); } /** * Displays a single particle which requires additional data that flies into a determined direction and is only visible for the specified players * * @param data Data of the effect * @param direction Direction of the particle * @param speed Display speed of the particles * @param center Center location of the effect * @param players Receivers of the effect * @throws ParticleVersionException If the particle effect is not supported by the server version * @throws ParticleDataException If the particle effect does not require additional data or if the data type is incorrect * @see ParticlePacket * @see ParticlePacket#sendTo(Location, List) */ public void display(ParticleData data, Vector direction, float speed, Location center, List players) throws ParticleVersionException, ParticleDataException { if (!isSupported()) { throw new ParticleVersionException("This particle effect is not supported by your server version"); } if (!hasProperty(ParticleProperty.REQUIRES_DATA)) { throw new ParticleDataException("This particle effect does not require additional data"); } if (!isDataCorrect(this, data)) { throw new ParticleDataException("The particle data type is incorrect"); } new ParticlePacket(this, direction, speed, isLongDistance(center, players), data).sendTo(center, players); } /** * Displays a single particle which requires additional data that flies into a determined direction and is only visible for the specified players * * @param data Data of the effect * @param direction Direction of the particle * @param speed Display speed of the particles * @param center Center location of the effect * @param players Receivers of the effect * @throws ParticleVersionException If the particle effect is not supported by the server version * @throws ParticleDataException If the particle effect does not require additional data or if the data type is incorrect * @see #display(ParticleData, Vector, float, Location, List) */ public void display(ParticleData data, Vector direction, float speed, Location center, Player... players) throws ParticleVersionException, ParticleDataException { display(data, direction, speed, center, Arrays.asList(players)); } /** * Represents the property of a particle effect *

* This class is part of the ParticleEffect Library and follows the same usage conditions * * @author DarkBlade12 * @since 1.7 */ public static enum ParticleProperty { /** * The particle effect requires water to be displayed */ REQUIRES_WATER, /** * The particle effect requires block or item data to be displayed */ REQUIRES_DATA, /** * The particle effect uses the offsets as direction values */ DIRECTIONAL, /** * The particle effect uses the offsets as color values */ COLORABLE } /** * Represents the particle data for effects like {@link ParticleEffect#ITEM_CRACK}, {@link ParticleEffect#BLOCK_CRACK} and {@link ParticleEffect#BLOCK_DUST} *

* This class is part of the ParticleEffect Library and follows the same usage conditions * * @author DarkBlade12 * @since 1.6 */ public static abstract class ParticleData { private final Material material; private final byte data; private final int[] packetData; /** * Construct a new particle data * * @param material Material of the item/block * @param data Data value of the item/block */ @SuppressWarnings("deprecation") public ParticleData(Material material, byte data) { this.material = material; = data; this.packetData = new int[] { material.getId(), data }; } /** * Returns the material of this data * * @return The material */ public Material getMaterial() { return material; } /** * Returns the data value of this data * * @return The data value */ public byte getData() { return data; } /** * Returns the data as an int array for packet construction * * @return The data for the packet */ public int[] getPacketData() { return packetData; } /** * Returns the data as a string for pre 1.8 versions * * @return The data string for the packet */ public String getPacketDataString() { return "_" + packetData[0] + "_" + packetData[1]; } } /** * Represents the item data for the {@link ParticleEffect#ITEM_CRACK} effect *

* This class is part of the ParticleEffect Library and follows the same usage conditions * * @author DarkBlade12 * @since 1.6 */ public static final class ItemData extends ParticleData { /** * Construct a new item data * * @param material Material of the item * @param data Data value of the item * @see ParticleData#ParticleData(Material, byte) */ public ItemData(Material material, byte data) { super(material, data); } } /** * Represents the block data for the {@link ParticleEffect#BLOCK_CRACK} and {@link ParticleEffect#BLOCK_DUST} effects *

* This class is part of the ParticleEffect Library and follows the same usage conditions * * @author DarkBlade12 * @since 1.6 */ public static final class BlockData extends ParticleData { /** * Construct a new block data * * @param material Material of the block * @param data Data value of the block * @throws IllegalArgumentException If the material is not a block * @see ParticleData#ParticleData(Material, byte) */ public BlockData(Material material, byte data) throws IllegalArgumentException { super(material, data); if (!material.isBlock()) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("The material is not a block"); } } } /** * Represents the color for effects like {@link ParticleEffect#SPELL_MOB}, {@link ParticleEffect#SPELL_MOB_AMBIENT}, {@link ParticleEffect#REDSTONE} and {@link ParticleEffect#NOTE} *

* This class is part of the ParticleEffect Library and follows the same usage conditions * * @author DarkBlade12 * @since 1.7 */ public static abstract class ParticleColor { /** * Returns the value for the offsetX field * * @return The offsetX value */ public abstract float getValueX(); /** * Returns the value for the offsetY field * * @return The offsetY value */ public abstract float getValueY(); /** * Returns the value for the offsetZ field * * @return The offsetZ value */ public abstract float getValueZ(); } /** * Represents the color for effects like {@link ParticleEffect#SPELL_MOB}, {@link ParticleEffect#SPELL_MOB_AMBIENT} and {@link ParticleEffect#NOTE} *

* This class is part of the ParticleEffect Library and follows the same usage conditions * * @author DarkBlade12 * @since 1.7 */ public static final class OrdinaryColor extends ParticleColor { private final int red; private final int green; private final int blue; /** * Construct a new ordinary color * * @param red Red value of the RGB format * @param green Green value of the RGB format * @param blue Blue value of the RGB format * @throws IllegalArgumentException If one of the values is lower than 0 or higher than 255 */ public OrdinaryColor(int red, int green, int blue) throws IllegalArgumentException { if (red < 0) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("The red value is lower than 0"); } if (red > 255) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("The red value is higher than 255"); } = red; if (green < 0) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("The green value is lower than 0"); } if (green > 255) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("The green value is higher than 255"); } = green; if (blue < 0) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("The blue value is lower than 0"); } if (blue > 255) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("The blue value is higher than 255"); } = blue; } /** * Construct a new ordinary color * * @param color Bukkit color */ public OrdinaryColor(Color color) { this(color.getRed(), color.getGreen(), color.getBlue()); } /** * Returns the red value of the RGB format * * @return The red value */ public int getRed() { return red; } /** * Returns the green value of the RGB format * * @return The green value */ public int getGreen() { return green; } /** * Returns the blue value of the RGB format * * @return The blue value */ public int getBlue() { return blue; } /** * Returns the red value divided by 255 * * @return The offsetX value */ @Override public float getValueX() { return (float) red / 255F; } /** * Returns the green value divided by 255 * * @return The offsetY value */ @Override public float getValueY() { return (float) green / 255F; } /** * Returns the blue value divided by 255 * * @return The offsetZ value */ @Override public float getValueZ() { return (float) blue / 255F; } } /** * Represents the color for the {@link ParticleEffect#NOTE} effect *

* This class is part of the ParticleEffect Library and follows the same usage conditions * * @author DarkBlade12 * @since 1.7 */ public static final class NoteColor extends ParticleColor { private final int note; /** * Construct a new note color * * @param note Note id which determines color * @throws IllegalArgumentException If the note value is lower than 0 or higher than 24 */ public NoteColor(int note) throws IllegalArgumentException { if (note < 0) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("The note value is lower than 0"); } if (note > 24) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("The note value is higher than 24"); } this.note = note; } /** * Returns the note value divided by 24 * * @return The offsetX value */ @Override public float getValueX() { return (float) note / 24F; } /** * Returns zero because the offsetY value is unused * * @return zero */ @Override public float getValueY() { return 0; } /** * Returns zero because the offsetZ value is unused * * @return zero */ @Override public float getValueZ() { return 0; } } /** * Represents a runtime exception that is thrown either if the displayed particle effect requires data and has none or vice-versa or if the data type is incorrect *

* This class is part of the ParticleEffect Library and follows the same usage conditions * * @author DarkBlade12 * @since 1.6 */ private static final class ParticleDataException extends RuntimeException { private static final long serialVersionUID = 3203085387160737484L; /** * Construct a new particle data exception * * @param message Message that will be logged */ public ParticleDataException(String message) { super(message); } } /** * Represents a runtime exception that is thrown either if the displayed particle effect is not colorable or if the particle color type is incorrect *

* This class is part of the ParticleEffect Library and follows the same usage conditions * * @author DarkBlade12 * @since 1.7 */ private static final class ParticleColorException extends RuntimeException { private static final long serialVersionUID = 3203085387160737484L; /** * Construct a new particle color exception * * @param message Message that will be logged */ public ParticleColorException(String message) { super(message); } } /** * Represents a runtime exception that is thrown if the displayed particle effect requires a newer version *

* This class is part of the ParticleEffect Library and follows the same usage conditions * * @author DarkBlade12 * @since 1.6 */ private static final class ParticleVersionException extends RuntimeException { private static final long serialVersionUID = 3203085387160737484L; /** * Construct a new particle version exception * * @param message Message that will be logged */ public ParticleVersionException(String message) { super(message); } } /** * Represents a particle effect packet with all attributes which is used for sending packets to the players *

* This class is part of the ParticleEffect Library and follows the same usage conditions * * @author DarkBlade12 * @since 1.5 */ public static final class ParticlePacket { private static int version; private static Class enumParticle; private static Constructor packetConstructor; private static Method getHandle; private static Field playerConnection; private static Method sendPacket; private static boolean initialized; private final ParticleEffect effect; private float offsetX; private final float offsetY; private final float offsetZ; private final float speed; private final int amount; private final boolean longDistance; private final ParticleData data; private Object packet; /** * Construct a new particle packet * * @param effect Particle effect * @param offsetX Maximum distance particles can fly away from the center on the x-axis * @param offsetY Maximum distance particles can fly away from the center on the y-axis * @param offsetZ Maximum distance particles can fly away from the center on the z-axis * @param speed Display speed of the particles * @param amount Amount of particles * @param longDistance Indicates whether the maximum distance is increased from 256 to 65536 * @param data Data of the effect * @throws IllegalArgumentException If the speed or amount is lower than 0 * @see #initialize() */ public ParticlePacket(ParticleEffect effect, float offsetX, float offsetY, float offsetZ, float speed, int amount, boolean longDistance, ParticleData data) throws IllegalArgumentException { initialize(); if (speed < 0) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("The speed is lower than 0"); } if (amount < 0) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("The amount is lower than 0"); } this.effect = effect; this.offsetX = offsetX; this.offsetY = offsetY; this.offsetZ = offsetZ; this.speed = speed; this.amount = amount; this.longDistance = longDistance; = data; } /** * Construct a new particle packet of a single particle flying into a determined direction * * @param effect Particle effect * @param direction Direction of the particle * @param speed Display speed of the particle * @param longDistance Indicates whether the maximum distance is increased from 256 to 65536 * @param data Data of the effect * @throws IllegalArgumentException If the speed is lower than 0 * @see #ParticleEffect(ParticleEffect, float, float, float, float, int, boolean, ParticleData) */ public ParticlePacket(ParticleEffect effect, Vector direction, float speed, boolean longDistance, ParticleData data) throws IllegalArgumentException { this(effect, (float) direction.getX(), (float) direction.getY(), (float) direction.getZ(), speed, 0, longDistance, data); } /** * Construct a new particle packet of a single colored particle * * @param effect Particle effect * @param color Color of the particle * @param longDistance Indicates whether the maximum distance is increased from 256 to 65536 * @see #ParticleEffect(ParticleEffect, float, float, float, float, int, boolean, ParticleData) */ public ParticlePacket(ParticleEffect effect, ParticleColor color, boolean longDistance) { this(effect, color.getValueX(), color.getValueY(), color.getValueZ(), 1, 0, longDistance, null); if (effect == ParticleEffect.REDSTONE && color instanceof OrdinaryColor && ((OrdinaryColor) color).getRed() == 0) { offsetX = Float.MIN_NORMAL; } } /** * Initializes {@link #packetConstructor}, {@link #getHandle}, {@link #playerConnection} and {@link #sendPacket} and sets {@link #initialized} to true if it succeeds *

* Note: These fields only have to be initialized once, so it will return if {@link #initialized} is already set to true * * @throws VersionIncompatibleException if your bukkit version is not supported by this library */ public static void initialize() throws VersionIncompatibleException { if (initialized) { return; } try { version = Integer.parseInt(Character.toString(PackageType.getServerVersion().charAt(3))); if (version > 7) { enumParticle = PackageType.MINECRAFT_SERVER.getClass("EnumParticle"); } Class packetClass = PackageType.MINECRAFT_SERVER.getClass(version < 7 ? "Packet63WorldParticles" : "PacketPlayOutWorldParticles"); packetConstructor = ReflectionUtils.getConstructor(packetClass); getHandle = ReflectionUtils.getMethod("CraftPlayer", PackageType.CRAFTBUKKIT_ENTITY, "getHandle"); playerConnection = ReflectionUtils.getField("EntityPlayer", PackageType.MINECRAFT_SERVER, false, "playerConnection"); sendPacket = ReflectionUtils.getMethod(playerConnection.getType(), "sendPacket", PackageType.MINECRAFT_SERVER.getClass("Packet")); } catch (Exception exception) { throw new VersionIncompatibleException("Your current bukkit version seems to be incompatible with this library", exception); } initialized = true; } /** * Returns the version of your server (1.x) * * @return The version number */ public static int getVersion() { if (!initialized) { initialize(); } return version; } /** * Determine if {@link #packetConstructor}, {@link #getHandle}, {@link #playerConnection} and {@link #sendPacket} are initialized * * @return Whether these fields are initialized or not * @see #initialize() */ public static boolean isInitialized() { return initialized; } /** * Initializes {@link #packet} with all set values * * @param center Center location of the effect * @throws PacketInstantiationException If instantion fails due to an unknown error */ private void initializePacket(Location center) throws PacketInstantiationException { if (packet != null) { return; } try { packet = packetConstructor.newInstance(); if (version < 8) { String name = effect.getName(); if (data != null) { name += data.getPacketDataString(); } ReflectionUtils.setValue(packet, true, "a", name); } else { ReflectionUtils.setValue(packet, true, "a", enumParticle.getEnumConstants()[effect.getId()]); ReflectionUtils.setValue(packet, true, "j", longDistance); if (data != null) { int[] packetData = data.getPacketData(); ReflectionUtils.setValue(packet, true, "k", effect == ParticleEffect.ITEM_CRACK ? packetData : new int[] { packetData[0] | (packetData[1] << 12) }); } } ReflectionUtils.setValue(packet, true, "b", (float) center.getX()); ReflectionUtils.setValue(packet, true, "c", (float) center.getY()); ReflectionUtils.setValue(packet, true, "d", (float) center.getZ()); ReflectionUtils.setValue(packet, true, "e", offsetX); ReflectionUtils.setValue(packet, true, "f", offsetY); ReflectionUtils.setValue(packet, true, "g", offsetZ); ReflectionUtils.setValue(packet, true, "h", speed); ReflectionUtils.setValue(packet, true, "i", amount); } catch (Exception exception) { throw new PacketInstantiationException("Packet instantiation failed", exception); } } /** * Sends the packet to a single player and caches it * * @param center Center location of the effect * @param player Receiver of the packet * @throws PacketInstantiationException If instantion fails due to an unknown error * @throws PacketSendingException If sending fails due to an unknown error * @see #initializePacket(Location) */ public void sendTo(Location center, Player player) throws PacketInstantiationException, PacketSendingException { initializePacket(center); try { sendPacket.invoke(playerConnection.get(getHandle.invoke(player)), packet); } catch (Exception exception) { throw new PacketSendingException("Failed to send the packet to player '" + player.getName() + "'", exception); } } /** * Sends the packet to all players in the list * * @param center Center location of the effect * @param players Receivers of the packet * @throws IllegalArgumentException If the player list is empty * @see #sendTo(Location center, Player player) */ public void sendTo(Location center, List players) throws IllegalArgumentException { if (players.isEmpty()) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("The player list is empty"); } for (Player player : players) { sendTo(center, player); } } /** * Sends the packet to all players in a certain range * * @param center Center location of the effect * @param range Range in which players will receive the packet (Maximum range for particles is usually 16, but it can differ for some types) * @throws IllegalArgumentException If the range is lower than 1 * @see #sendTo(Location center, Player player) */ public void sendTo(Location center, double range) throws IllegalArgumentException { if (range < 1) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("The range is lower than 1"); } String worldName = center.getWorld().getName(); double squared = range * range; for (Player player : Bukkit.getOnlinePlayers()) { if (!player.getWorld().getName().equals(worldName) || player.getLocation().distanceSquared(center) > squared) { continue; } sendTo(center, player); } } /** * Represents a runtime exception that is thrown if a bukkit version is not compatible with this library *

* This class is part of the ParticleEffect Library and follows the same usage conditions * * @author DarkBlade12 * @since 1.5 */ private static final class VersionIncompatibleException extends RuntimeException { private static final long serialVersionUID = 3203085387160737484L; /** * Construct a new version incompatible exception * * @param message Message that will be logged * @param cause Cause of the exception */ public VersionIncompatibleException(String message, Throwable cause) { super(message, cause); } } /** * Represents a runtime exception that is thrown if packet instantiation fails *

* This class is part of the ParticleEffect Library and follows the same usage conditions * * @author DarkBlade12 * @since 1.4 */ private static final class PacketInstantiationException extends RuntimeException { private static final long serialVersionUID = 3203085387160737484L; /** * Construct a new packet instantiation exception * * @param message Message that will be logged * @param cause Cause of the exception */ public PacketInstantiationException(String message, Throwable cause) { super(message, cause); } } /** * Represents a runtime exception that is thrown if packet sending fails *

* This class is part of the ParticleEffect Library and follows the same usage conditions * * @author DarkBlade12 * @since 1.4 */ private static final class PacketSendingException extends RuntimeException { private static final long serialVersionUID = 3203085387160737484L; /** * Construct a new packet sending exception * * @param message Message that will be logged * @param cause Cause of the exception */ public PacketSendingException(String message, Throwable cause) { super(message, cause); } } } }