package eu.univento.core.api.server; import org.bukkit.ChatColor; import org.json.simple.JSONObject; import org.json.simple.parser.JSONParser; import org.json.simple.parser.ParseException; import; import; import; import; public enum MojangService { ACCOUNTS("Accounts Service", ""), AUTHENTICATION("Authentication Service", ""), AUTHENTICATION_SERVER("Authentication ServerPinger", ""), LOGIN("Login Service", ""), SESSION_MINECRAFT("Minecraft Session ServerPinger", ""), SESSION_MOJANG("Mojang Session ServerPinger", ""), SKINS("Skin ServerPinger", ""), MAIN_WEBSITE("Main Site", ""); /* * @Author TheTinySpider * Idea from: sebasju1234 * * Status names and other information can be found at: * [url][/url] */ private String name, serviceURL; private JSONParser jsonParser = new JSONParser(); MojangService(String name, String serviceURL) { = name; this.serviceURL = serviceURL; } public String getName() { return name; } /** * Check the current Mojang service for it's status, errors are ignored. * * @return Status of the service. */ public Status getStatus() { return getStatus(true); } /** * Check the current Mojang service for it's status. * * @param suppressErrors - Don't print errors in console. * @return Status of the service. */ public Status getStatus(boolean suppressErrors) { try { URL url = new URL("[url][/url]" + serviceURL); BufferedReader bufferedReader = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(url.openStream())); Object object = jsonParser.parse(bufferedReader); JSONObject jsonObject = (JSONObject) object; String status = (String) jsonObject.get(serviceURL); return Status.get(status); } catch (IOException | ParseException exception) { if (!suppressErrors) { exception.printStackTrace(); } return Status.UNKNOWN; } } public enum Status { ONLINE("Online", ChatColor.GREEN.toString(), "No problems detected!"), UNSTABLE("Unstable", ChatColor.YELLOW.toString(), "May be experiencing issues..."), OFFLINE("Offline", ChatColor.DARK_RED.toString(), "Experiencing problems!"), UNKNOWN("Unknown", ChatColor.WHITE.toString(), "Couldn't connect to Mojang!"); private String status, color, description; Status(String status, String color, String description) { this.status = status; this.color = color; this.description = description; } public String getStatus() { return status; } public String getColor() { return color; } public String getDescription() { return description; } public static Status get(String status) { status = status.toLowerCase(); switch (status) { case "green": return Status.ONLINE; case "yellow": return Status.UNSTABLE; case "red": return Status.OFFLINE; default: return Status.UNKNOWN; } } } }